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CrÃticas Review of the 1st Edition This book is strongly recommended for readers interested in deepening their knowledge of EU law, especially to students, professors and researchers of law and political science eager to gain greater insights into EU constitutional law. Moreover, the style of the book is pleasant to read and clearly understandable... -- Juan A. Mayoral * Journal of Common Market Studies, Volume 50, Number 2 * Review of the 1st Edition Difficile de choisir parmi les epithets elogieuses quant...Il permet de prendre le recul necessaire pour comprende aussi simplement que possible un ordre constitutionnel eminemment complexe, mais qui, sus les plumes conjointes d'A. Rosas et de L. Armati, se revele etonnamment comprehensible par tous. Une traduction francaise serait sans nul doute appreciee par les lecteurs francophones. -- Elsa Bernard * Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Europeen, 2011, Issue 4 * Review of the first edition Without any doubt whatsoever, this new book is a most valuable and in fact very important contribution to the current doctrine of EU constitutional law. ...definitely one of the most important contributions to EU constitutional law that has occurred in recent years [which] offers readers with a reasonable insight into EU law a decent possibility to grasp and relatively quickly learn about important recent changes in this area of ever-growing importance. -- Joakim Nergelius * Nordic Journal of International Law, Volume 81 * Reseña del editor The second revised edition of this acclaimed book brings the story of the EU's constitutional journey up to date. The EU's constitution, composed of a myriad of legal texts, case law and practice, is a moving target subject to continuous change, and the past two years have seen no slacking in the pace of that change. With a wider geographical ambit than ever, the EU faces unprecedented political, economic and cultural challenges, all of which impact upon the evolution of its constitution. Moreover, the crisis in the Eurozone has given rise to the need for a whole new chapter focussing on the institutional reforms embarked upon in the quest to restore financial order. The book succeeds, where others have struggled, in making sense of the EU's complex constitutional order, focussing on its essential features but taking into account the profound changes that have taken place over the past 20 years. The EU has become much more than an internal economic market and has recently become active in areas such as immigration and third-country nationals, security and defence policy, and penal law and procedure, while the crisis in the Eurozone has triggered an increasing focus on economic and fiscal policy. Eschewing too much detail the authors underline the essential values, principles and objectives of the integration regime as well as its basic normative structure and hierarchy. In this context, the decentralised nature of the EU is highlighted as an integral part of its constitutional make-up. Recurring themes include European citizenship, fundamental rights and the rule of law. The book also confronts head-on the problems and challenges facing the Union and the gap which is often perceived between lofty ideals and harsh realities. The book will be useful to students of EU law and European integration but will also appeal to a broader audience of researchers and practitioners, including political scientists. BiografÃa del autor Allan Rosas has been a judge at the European Court of Justice since January 2002, having formerly been Armfelt Professor of Law at the Abo Akademi University and later Principal Legal Adviser and Deputy Director-General of the Legal Service of the European Commission. Lorna Armati has been a Member of the Legal Service of the European Commission since September 2010, having formerly been Legal Secretary to Judge Rosas and later Legal Officer at the EFTA Surveillance Authority.
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